Rabbi Jamie Cowland has spent the last 16 years running destination trips for Jewish students, lecturing in Jewish Philosophy, and trying to bring up 6 kids together with Ilana, his incredible wife. Jamie spent the first 13 years of his career as a Rabbi with Aish UK and Aish Jerusalem as well as working as a consultant and guest speaker for many other organisations. Jamie has a life long passion for leadership and for helping others to access and reach their human potential. After visiting Thailand, interacting with the amazing organisations working there and meeting so many children in need of help, Jamie and Ilana founded Justifi to give Jewish students life-transforming trips where they could experience the struggle for basic human rights, idealism, leadership and the Jewish approach to Tikun Olam, fixing the world. 

Jamie, himself, is a visionary leader with some groundbreaking ideas for social justice and leadership development. As the original brain, heart, and soul behind Justifi he has worked tirelessly to assemble a passionate team of talented individuals to help build the project into the next major effort in Jewish social activism. When he's not busy inventing new and better ways to grow Justifi, Jamie has an amazing interest in knowing and understanding the people he works with and is personally invested in the development of each of the Justifi participants. For the lucky few participants who spend time in Israel after the program, this might include experiencing the biggest unofficial perk of the Justifi follow-up program – an absolutely delicious Shabbat meal with Jamie, Ilana, and the 6 most brilliant kids in all of Jerusalem!

Questions for Jamie? Email Jamie@justifi.org.